I am looking to upgrade my mandolin. I currently play a Kentucky KM 650 that has a tailpiece upgrade, Orrico, Upgraded tuners, Gotoh, and a few other things. I like to Kentucky mandos, but not sure how far up the line that I need to go to really feel upgraded, a KM 756 or a KM 855? I can't really afford a KM 1000 or 1500. What is your opinion? I have been playing for about 14 years, definitly not a virtuoso, but I play in a bluegrass band and am not intimidated to play live or in jams. Just looking for an opinion. Thanks.
Sure! I think the 855 is incredible. Honestly, I tend to like it as much as the higher end km-1000 series. As far as sound and playability goes anyway. Thanks for reaching out and feel free to give us a call if you ever have any other questions.